Industry Analyst & Strategist

WordPress Editors Arrive

WordPress writers, bloggers, content creators of the world rejoice! It has been an amazing seven days for those who are interested in new UX and UI around WordPress editors. Gutenberg blocks have seemed to force a new wave of innovation in ways that I had certainly expected. It’s taken a little longer since the Gutenberg target has been a moving one for the last one and half years however with stability and necessity we really have some great innovation.

The first editor I’ve had the chance to preview is Web Stories during BigWP Americas. It is currently in alpha for WordPress. If anything, Web Stories can be described as the anti-Gutenberg response. At the moment it does not take advantage of blocks and is really like an application that’s sitting along side WordPress. It is, however, beautiful to behold as a visual editor for WordPress. Web Stories has a very specific goal, mobile format magazines.

Web Stories immerse your readers in fast-loading full-screen experiences.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this grows and adapts to the WordPress ecosystem.

Now to the exact opposite of editors. Just released today is Iceberg from the minds of Rich Tabor and Jeffrey Carandang. This is 100% blocks, this is 100% simple, this is 100% awesome. I’ve been using Iceberg since last week for writing new content (this post for example) and edits of existing content and am thrilled by the big screen markdown simplicity. It just works, so there isn’t going to be much of a review here. It’s a full screen markdown editor with themes. Done. I highly recommend taking a look if your type of content creation fits the mold, they also have a great launch video.

Iceberg leverages the best of WordPress, and the best of the new block editor, while getting out of your way. Allowing you to focus on publishing your next post.

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