The last day of WordCamp Miami 2020 is upon us and I wanted to share the sessions that I’ve marked as must see for all of Sunday, it’s heavily business focused and I’m personally looking forward to all the choices, let’s get to it. Below are the times, speakers, and a one sentence summary.
Sunday, March 1, All Sessions |
9:30 Show Your Business Who Is BOSS! “In this talk, explore the habitual patterns that keep us stuck and self-sabotaging our success.” JOCELYN MOZAK | @jocelynmozak |
10:15 Mastering The Client Consultation “Attendees will leave with a clear, memorable outline to manage the client consultation.” NATHAN INGRAM | @nathaningram |
11:00 Rethinking Themes: Embracing Atomic Design With Gutenberg “How do we anticipate and accommodate the needs of a constantly evolving website while providing visual solutions that are clean, thoughtful, and consistent?” MICHELLE R. SCHULP | @marktimemedia |
11:45 Don’t Sell WordPress, Sell A Solution Instead “…why it’s important to learn the “why” behind the client being there…” PAT RAMSEY | @pat_ramsey |
13:30 Understanding Cash Flow To Make Better Decisions “It’s a passion project of mine to pass on my dad’s legacy by helping my community realize they can understand their money…” NEV HARRIS | @thenevharris |
14:10 Growing Pains: Staying Strong Through Business Expansion “Does your business seem to be growing so quickly, you can’t catch up?” JESSI GURR | @jessigurr |
15:00 The Three Things All Web Professionals Need To Know About Privacy “With all of the new passed and proposed privacy laws, it is clear that what it means to have a website that collects personal information is changing.” DONATA KALNENAITE |
15:30 Images: What’s In Your Library? “What happens when you upload an image to your website?” KIM WHITE | @MrsCRW |
15:50 Tough Lessons I Learned Managing A Remote Team “Victor will discuss his journey from an on-premise, professional work environment to building and managing a remote team from his home office.” VICTOR DROVER | @VicDrover |
16:15 Ask The Speakers Anything – Business Panel |