The brilliant Kim Doyal must be channeling me, ok that’s not even close to reality but I do like to say #AlwaysBeThere. Kim has put together a piece and podcast on her thoughts for #JustShowUP, What it Means to Just Show UP: “Nothing will grow your business faster than taking complete responsibility for everything … We can’t control what happens to us but we can always control how we handle what happens to us and how we feel about what happens to us (I’m not referring to people with serious mental health issues where additional support is needed).” How much more timely than this year could these thought be? These are certainly evergreen thoughts but I am happy to get pumped up by reading all of this.
I Swear This is Useful
Ok, I don’t write any swears in my posts because “think of the children!” but this campaign by Omnisend caught my eye and gave me a little chuckle. It’s about Boosting Sales but they go whole hog for the other bs word. It’s certainly an eye catcher but also has plenty of useful info in the actual checklist.
Movers and Shakers
Movers, and that means anyone who has a new position or is looking. Let me know. Also, if you have a story, a scoop, or topic idea. Let me know. If you are interested in an interview or guest post. Let me know.
Let’s shake with actually embedding a custom block for events, update once see everywhere. Busy week for open source, and WordPress events. All online. All Things Open is in progress – so check it out!