Industry Analyst & Strategist

Hosting Virtual Events with WordPress Virtual Event Organizer Jan Koch, a Podcast

Another favorite of my listened to podcasts from The Podcast List, Press This Podcast with David Vogelpohl, interviews WordPress Virtual Event Organizer Jan Koch. Again love the full transcription.

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Regarding at least one of the challenges in hosting large scale virtual events, Jan says, “It is, as you mentioned, an organizational challenge, though, because given our global nature, in the WordPress community, or online marketing space, at least, the biggest challenge, I think, is to orchestrate all the different time zones that you have. So in planning your summit, I would say you have to be very, very clear about where most of the attendees likely will come from. And then I would rather cater the life events to those hours when they are available. Maybe the US hours for the WordPress market, for example, I would rather focus on those hours, then hosting live events at 2pm, Eastern German time where it’s like 6am in the morning in the US and nobody can attend.”

As an attendee I certainly appreciate having events that are aware of that. I remember waking up for the tail end of a virtual event out of India at 4am. That was rought.

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