With the fall conference and meeting season upon us, ahem WordCamp US this week, I thought it would be good to save paper and have a fully digital business card.
I was lucky enough to get a tapni NFC enabled business card at CloudFest 2023. I thought it was just going to be a gimmick but it is even more useful than I expected. In case anyone is wondering, this absolutely not sponsored or anything, I just really like this as an alternative to the tree cards that have been the staple of creating connections. Let's get to the details.
Ok, the card has taken a ton of abuse, keys, coins, the usual pocket madness but as you see, there is a plain front and a scannable QR code on the back. After going through the registration process online after receiving the card, I was able to connect the code and its associated NFC to my tapni profile.
So how does this all work in real life? If the person you want to exchange cards with has NFC enabled on their phone, all you need to do it tap your card to their phone and they'll be taken to your tapni profile. From there, they can connect back to you, call you, add you as a contact, or whatever other links you've provided. Here is what my tapni looks like.

And since I'm in iOS land, there is a neat shortcut you can put together to have a one-click jump to your Wallet with your tapni "card."
Download the tapni app
Add card to Apple Wallet
While in the Wallet looking at your card, click the "..." share button
Tap "Pass Details"
Go straight to "Home" do not tap "Done" or left arrow or anything else, just go to "Home"
Open "Shortcuts" app
Create new shortcut
"Add Action"
Search for "Wallet"
Click "Open Tapni doo pass"
Save (click "Done") and add to Home Screen or however you like to use shortcuts

And that's a way to save trees, have dynamic business card content, and use a web address, QR code, and NFC to exchange details. Win! Win! Win!