Industry Analyst & Strategist

Can Our Ballots Be Both Secret and Secure?

Sue Halpern for The New Yorker:

When the ballots were delivered to a panel of seven poll workers for the manual count, the crowd collected in the center of the room to watch. And then a funny thing happened: the hand count didn’t jibe with either the ElectionGuard or the VotingWorks tallies, which agreed with each other. There was a moment of whispered consternation, and then the poll workers went back to their stack of ballots and found that one of them had been put in the wrong pile and miscounted. A cheer went up: all three tallies matched. Benaloh’s math had added up. The ElectionGuard software had worked.

This article covers math, cryptography, open source, and voting; and that’s just the highlights of a seriously in-depth and timely conversation. This has been of serious interest all year, see previous posts Coding in the Shadow and Smerconish Critical Thinking: Hackers Will Win Elections.

This post was featured in #MorningCoffee.

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